Meet Laura Stephens

Meet Laura Stephens

It was an utter delight to spend time with talented Interior Designer Laura, in her beautifully curated home. We were mesmerized by the immaculate rooms filled with quirky and considered details. For example a beautifully commissioned painting of the family dog Lulu on a plate. 

Each room was spacious, filled with natural light and felt like a true sanctuary.  Laura herself is a charming hostess and warm personality and we even got to meet her excitable Lulu. It was so inspiring to get an insight into her creativity and style when it comes to clothes.


It is so lovely to meet a fellow designer who has a great eye for print and colour. What inspired you to start your Interior design business?

I have always taken great joy in creating beautiful surroundings. Even in my room in my student digs at University I painted and found vintage furniture for.  I decided to change career from being a secondary school Geography teacher to interior design and signed up to a course at Chelsea College of Art and Design.


Puglia Print Mix Folk Dress


Which features do you think are key when designing a space?

It’s so important to go with the feel of the house and celebrate its features as well as your preferred aesthetic. It’s also key to really choose pieces, as far as you can afford, which are going to stand the test of time. 


What would be your signature style when it comes to interior design?

Clients who approach me are looking for colour, pattern and elegance in their homes and that is what I am known for. I am certainly not a minimalist.


What is your go to for switching off from running your own business?

Spending time with my girlfriends is the best way for me to switch off from work. They make me laugh and always give me a sense of perspective. 

Forget Me Not Isabel Top  | Forget Me Not Rah Rah Skirt


Do you prefer to be in a busy city or retreat to the countryside? 

Well instinctively I would say a retreat in the countryside but in actual fact, I always love returning to London and find the diversity, buzz, creativity here infectious and inspiring.


Which item couldn’t you live without in your wardrobe?

My floral dresses, I feel most comfortable when I’m wearing them...


Sky Meadow Border Maria Dress


Which is your favourite Pink City Prints piece and why?

I’m loving the Skye Meadow Border Maria Dress. The print is so pretty and the shape is super flattering.


Instagram: @laurastephensid